Bollywood The Indian film industry, firmly name as “Bollywood” has significantly influenced the Indian culture. The biggest film industry in the world for creating various types of movies including Action, Comedy, drama along with the music. Bollywood has an amazing fan base and an incredible mass appeal. Bollywood have been affecting the common lives of Indian. Bollywood has a rich history of more than 100 years of serving entertainment. The first Indian film “Raja Harishchandra” which was released in 1913. The Indian Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai (formerly Bombay). Bollywood lives in Mumbai, making it a land of dreams and destinies. Many foreigners and outsiders from all over the world come to the city to test their luck in the Indian Film industry. Bollywood is not famous only for movies in the world but it is also famous for outstanding music, Authentic Performances, Great storylines, and Fashion inspiration. Bollywood has songs for nearly every si...