Is Money Everything? Money is an important part of everyone’s life. Just think if you go to the market to buy something and you don’t have enough money, then what do you do. Without money, we cannot survive. Money is to used to buy goods and services necessary to sustain our life. You need money to get food, pay bills, buy things for your loved ones, educate your children, and fulfill other necessities. We can take people on our side with the power of money. If we have money then people respect us in society. Money defines everything. For e.g.: your quality of living, the type of people you’re surrounded with, the class of education. But is only having money the most important thing in our life? What about Happiness? What about Family and Friends? A lot of famous people in this world who don’t have enough money, but still are famous because of some good things they are doing. True and lasting friends are those who are there during our “Peak” and are still there during our “Fal...